Hank and Mike


by Johnny Web (Uncle Scoopy; Greg Wroblewski)

Maybe you've never really understood how those Easter baskets get filled every year. You see, Easter Inc. is a division of an important holiday conglomerate, and they employ bunnies throughout the world, each of whom has a route in every Christian land. It's a lot like UPS, except they only work one day a year. As you can imagine, this is not a very profitable enterprise. First of all, the company pays a bunch of bunnies enough to live on all year, even though they only work that one night. Second, the production staff spends all that money to create the chocolate treats, which gives children a taste for chocolate, but the little chocolate addicts then give all their money to Reese's and Hershey's and Nestle's, not to Easter Inc.

The head office brings in a new hot-shot to restructure the Easter division. He comes up with an elaborate plan which consists of three parts: (1) Cut back on chocolate costs by moving to large flat pieces with oval shapes. The cost of goods is cut to a fraction of its former level. (2) Add revenues by selling advertising on the Easter chocolates. (3) Make the workforce more efficient by cutting about 11% of the staff. That third element is the key to the plot of this film. It means that one of every nine Easter Bunnies will be the victims of downsizing. The stars of the story are Hank and Mike, two bunnies who get cut in our local area because they missed a house last Easter.

The film is about what the Easter bunnies do after they get fired. What can they do? They are not qualified to assimilate into the modern world. They have no computer skills. The only thing they know how to do is deliver. Of course, they try UPS, but that just doesn't work out, because they don't just deliver things - they deliver and HIDE them, which doesn't jibe with the UPS philosophy. They eventually lose everything and end up homeless alcoholics, with only one chance to get their jobs back. It's a long-shot and kinda crazy, but it's so crazy that it just ... might ... work ...

Hank and Mike are played by two human guys in bunny suits, and the characters are supposed to look like that as well, except that the bunny suits are not supposed to be costumes. In the film's alternate reality, these guys are the real Easter bunnies, and they're just regular lunchpail guys, except with rabbit fur and ears, which nobody finds unusual. Therefore, when they get laid off from Easter, Inc., they are bunny-guys who are forced to make a living by performing other jobs which do not call for a bunny appearance. Apart from the bunny fur and ears, they are like two two assembly line guys replaced by automation and/or corporate downsizing. Their jobs once provided them with the only identity they had, and they are nobodies without that identity.

Pretty funny idea. It's a dark, dark comedy in the general tradition of Bad Santa, and it works for a while. Not for the entire movie, but for a while. The problem comes when the scriptwriters (the same guys who play the bunnies) have to transform the concept from an idea to a story. They've padded the film with surrealism, an insane song, and a "slobs versus snobs" overlay, but the truth is that very little of that exoskeleton works. The characters are fun, the idea is funny, and the film delivers some "WTF?" laughs right off the bat, but the whole concept just kind of runs out of steam when it tries to deliver a traditional storyline about the triumph of underdogs.

Still, you may get a kick out of this film if you enjoy indies which stray far from the beaten track. It's anti-establishment, surreal, obscene, foul, and politically incorrect. And has some good nudity.

And, in its own lusty and coarse way, it's also kind of cute and warm-hearted.


* widescreen






No major reviews online.


6.3 IMDB summary (of 10)


Straight to DVD.

Budget $1.5 million.


Aniela Kurylo and Tania Russo got naked.

  • Kurylo showed her breasts and a bit of bum in a dark sex scene, then showed her breasts in good light during the "morning after" scenes.
  • Russo showed the full monty as an artist's model, but in a dimly lit office.

Web www.scoopy.com

Our Grade:

If you are not familiar with our grading system, you need to read the explanation, because the grading is not linear. For example, by our definition, a C is solid and a C+ is a VERY good movie. There are very few Bs and As. Based on our descriptive system, this film is a:


Highly original offbeat comedy. It's not consistently good, but when it is good, it is very good.