Kicking the Dog


by Johnny Web (Uncle Scoopy; Greg Wroblewski)

Kicking the Dog is a raunchy comedy about a group of sex-obsessed school chums who are in the stage in life where they are just about to go their separate ways. Providing comic relief to the film are three high school kids who are always hanging around and listening to the more experienced guys. (One of them is a younger brother.) Since the film had a budget of literally zero, the story takes place entirely in a two-day period in summer, and is located entirely in typical middle-class suburban homes and lawns. The entire film was allegedly shot and edited in the director's house. (Except, I suppose, for a few moments which take place in the local porn shop, where one of the characters has a summer job.)

With no action of any kind, and virtually no plot, the essence of the film is drunken sex talk. The three main male characters talk about their wildest sexual adventures, much to the dismay of their female companions. The most dismayed female is a virginal college grad who is in love with one of the young rakes. Not only does she dislike hearing about all of his lurid past sexual adventures, but her annoyance is exacerbated by the fact that he has not ever made love to her in six months of dating, and pushes her away when she tries to amend that situation.

This film is primitive. It's much too talky, and the male characters tend to lapse into monologues, much like the early efforts of Kevin Smith. Those characters seem to discuss sex with a naiveté inconsistent with the exploits they describe. What's more, the editing is rudimentary, some of the actors are weak, and some of the main plot threads are left hanging when the movie ends. On the other hand, those same things are true about Clerks, and that film worked out fine because it had other positive characteristics which made up for the weak elements: bawdy humor, frankly realistic dialogue, and insights about the lives of people of that generation trapped in a certain kind of slacker existence.

KTD doesn't have many insights, but it does provide some guilty pleasures. The slice-of-life script somewhat compensates for its plotlessness with some interesting characters. I found four of the main characters to be developed very effectively, and performed competently. The two lovers showed enough depth that I was interested in their story, and I got some laughs from the performances delivered by coldest of the chums and one of the high school kids. Because of those characterizations, a couple of funny set pieces, and some entertaining dialogue, I found the film worth the watch, despite some clumsy moments.


  • The only nudity was toplessness supplied by Lorianne Dye, who was not a main character, but only appeared in a two-part dream sequence.


* widescreen anamorphic

* no special features







There are no major reviews online, but there are some in-depth reviews linked from IMDb.


3.8 IMDB summary (of 10)


Straight to DVD.



Our Grade:

If you are not familiar with our grading system, you need to read the explanation, because the grading is not linear. For example, by our definition, a C is solid and a C+ is a VERY good movie. There are very few Bs and As. Based on our descriptive system, this film is a:


I found it a watchable genre flick, the genre being sexy youthploitation comedies. The IMDb score indicates that it is worse than that but I disagree, although the film's rough edges and poor production values lead me to understand why the score is low.