La Ragazzina


by Tuna

Gloria Guida plays a virginal 16-year-old schoolgirl and one of her male classmates is trying to seduce her, when he is not pimping out her female classmates to rich businessmen. She finally decides to surrender her virginity only to find out that he wasn't worth it. Then she is nearly raped by an older man who was supposed to be a friend of hers. It is at this point that she decides her body is a marketable commodity.

La Ragazzina was Gloria Guida's screen debut, made the same year she was crowned Miss Teenage Italy, and she does not disappoint in the nudity department by offering many lingering looks at her lovely breasts.  Unfortunately, the only existing DVD offers only German audio with no subtitles. Since the film is rather talky, the language represents a barrier to those who do not speak German. It is also a very grainy transfer, but the problems may be overlooked by certain niche buyers. Since this was Gloria's first screen role, and the nudity is delightful, the film can be reasonably recommended to those who are interested in Gloria or the Italian B-movies of the seventies.

Mario Imperoli, who wrote and directed both this film and a second Guida film called Blue Jeans, probably symbolizes the second-tier Italian filmmaking of the seventies as well as anyone. He only made B-movies and he only made them in the seventies, having had that description permanently sealed when he died on Christmas Eve in 1977, aged only 46.

Our Grade:

If you are not familiar with our grading system, you need to read the explanation, because the grading is not linear. For example, by our definition, a C is solid and a C+ is a VERY good movie. There are very few Bs and As. Based on our descriptive system, this film is a:


If you speak German, it's a C, a competent genre film. If you do not, it's a C-, of interest only to Gloria Guida fans, with all others warned off.


  • Gloria Guida shows breast and buns
  • The uncredited actress playing her mother does full frontal and rear nudity.


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3.4 IMDB summary (of 10)


La Ragazzina

A DVD is now available from in a German version called "Kesse Teens - Die Erste Liebe" (Saucy Teens: First Love).